Doctor Abha Midha Pediatrician Child Specialist in Pitampura providing best treatment for all kind of common Pediatric ailments, Issues regarding child Nutrition, Childhood Obesity, Growth and Development evaluation, Adolescent Medicine, Childhood Asthma and allergies and does newborn, infant, child, adolescent and adult vaccination.
Vaccination/ Immunization, Growth & Development Evaluation, Infant & Child Nutrition, Bronchial Asthma Treatment, Newborn Care, Treatment of all Newborn Illnesses, Childhood Obesity, Childhood Infectious Diseases, Pediatric Dermatology, Infant Growth and Development, Adolescent Health, Nebulization, Neonatology, Allergy Disorders in Infants and Children, Allergy Tests and Immune therapy.
Vaccination is administration of any vaccine for the prevention of disease. It involves stimulating the immune system or defense system to produce antibodies and cellular immune responses that protect against the infection agents.
A vaccine is a preparation of proteins, polysaccharides or Nucleic acids of pathogens that are delivered to the immune system to induce specific response that inactivate, destroy or suppress the pathogen.